'https://www.sydneycommercialkitchens.com.au/brands/robot-coupe/robot-coupe-food-processor-r301 Robot Coupe are the inventors and world leader in food processors. A cutter bowl and a vegetable preparation attachment on the same motor base. Whoever you are in the food services industry, there is a Robot Coupe food processor product designed just for your needs, and they are all created to save you time, labour, and money! If you\'re looking for commercial restaurant equipment, then talk to Sydney Commercial Kitchens on 1300 881 119... Music Credits: Unstoppable by Spence from Youtube Audio Library Royalty Free Music'
Tags: equipment , catering , Food processor , vegetable cutter , restaurant equipment , Robot Coupe , Robot Coupe r301 , potato slicer , potato cutter , Sydney Commercial Kitchens , best vegetable cutter australia
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